One Color Lite

While soft boxes tend to make you sweat, Key Light keeps heat impressively low despite its massive 2800-lumen output. 160 premium OSRAM LEDs ensure extra-bright illumination you can dim down to a subtle glow. A color temperature range of 2900 to 7000 K produces hues from arctic blue through sunset amber. Monochromatic light refers to light that is of one color. Since it only emits one color, monochromatic light has a single wavelength. Wavelengths are seen as a rainbow of colors when light is passed through a spectrum. Therefore, monochromatic light would emit just one of these colors. To better understand the word channel, think of a DMX 'Channel' as a 'Color', so if you have an RGB light this light would use 3 'Channels' or 'Colors'. You can control up to 170 RGB Lights in a single DMX universe or up to 512 single color lights in one DMX universe. Each fixture is specifically addressed within the 512 universe using a DMX.

Color Vision Deficiency

Sight is the most important sense. 90% of all information is received by sight, 5% by hearing, 2% by touch, 2% by taste and 1% by smell.

The lack of information received due to color blindness slows down, or prevents, comprehension. The lack of comprehension creates a slower reaction time to the information and generally lowers a person's quality of life.

8% of men and .5% of women have Color Vision Deficiency (CVD), also known as color blindness. There are approximately 32.6 million CVD men in the United States, Japan and Western Europe.

Children with Color Vision Deficiency often struggle at school. They have trouble learning their colors, completing color-by-number assignments, understanding color coded graphs and maps, etc. In addition, they may be ridiculed and embarrassed for having trouble with these simple assignments.

A normal human eye sees three colors: red, green and blue. All other colors are the result of a mixture of varying amounts of red, green, and blue. Genuine laptops & desktops driver download. When a person has Color Vision Deficiency, one or more of the three primary colors is not detected correctly.

Color Vision Enhancement

Colorlite manufactures lenses with a special coating which are designed to enhance a person's color vision. The color blind glasses will work with each type of red-green color vision deficiencies, including the most severe types of Protanopy (total lack of red cones) and Deuteranopy (total lack of green cones).

Colorlite color blind glasses will enhance a patient's color vision. The patient will see more colors and hues which were previously unrecognizable.

Where can you get Colorlite color blind glasses?

Make an appointment with one of the Eye Care Professionals on our Contact page

The color vision test takes about 30 minutes. The test will be implemented with the Colorlite color vision test book. All of the correction lenses will be used during the test. The patient and the eye care professional will select the most effective lenses to provide the best color vision enhancement. Plano, focal and multi-focal lenses are available. The lenses can be cut to fit any frame.

For more information, please send us an e-mail or call us!

Adapting to your new lenses…

When first put on, the lenses may make the environment appear to have a strong reddish (or other color) tint to it. For example, white would look red as opposed to truly white.

Naturally, the eyes adjust to this color imbalance after wearing the lenses for 90 -120 seconds. White is then seen as white again, and color constancy is completely rebalanced.

This is known as chromatic adaptation and is an important part of the color blindness correction process. This video demonstrates the process by which chromatic adaptation takes place and knowing when it is complete.

One Color Tees

Color blindness correction and chromatic adaptation

Vincent van Gogh Puzzle

Vincent van Gogh, the famous Impressionist painter, was probably color vision deficient. He used the colors uniquely, often as a colorblind person would. The following painting demonstrates this. Below (or next) the original image, we can see the painting as a deuteranomal person sees it. The difference is hardly noticeable.

Can you put this painting together? Place the pieces into the appropriate rectangles by dragging and dropping them. Click to the image to start!

How do colorblind people see?

Click and slide the blue slider to compare how color blind (protanope) people see!

NEW! Mosaic color blind test

Click on the small square in the mosaic! Warning: The test is flickering. Do not use, if you are sensitive! The test determines, if you are color vision deficient. It takes about 1-3 minutes. Click here to start!


I am colorblind. Let me show you how I see colors

You have probably been asked often how you see colors. Now you can show it! Based on the results of your color blind test, color spectrum is generated as you see and display it next to a normal color spectrum. Click to the image to start!

Ishihara color blind test

One Color Liter

The most well known color blind test for over a century all around the world, designed by Dr. Shinobu Ishihara in 1917. You need to enter the number for each plate you can see. Click to the image to start!

One Color Interior

Lantern color blind test

The Lantern Test was developed by Dr. Dean Farnsworth, originally to screen identifying signal lights at night, adopted in 1954 as the standard color blind test for sailors aboard ships. It screens for red-green deficiencies. The test consists of showing pairs of vertically oriented lights. Combinations of either red, green or yellow. Identify the colors! Click to the image to start!

Nintendo Switch Lite Colors

Color blind test for kids

Animals were hidden in the dots. Choose from the animals shown below that you recognize in the dotted pattern. Click here to start the test!

One Color Lipstick For Everyone

Learning Color With Colorlite Glasses!

A color naming exercise for those who are already wearing Colorlite color blind glasses. Click on the picture!

PseudoIsochromatic Plate (PIP) Color Vision Test

The test consists of 9 colored (PIP) plates, contains a circle of dots appearing randomized in color and size. Within the pattern are dots, which form a number, difficult to see with a red-green color blindness. Click on the picture!

Tap Color Lite

Mosaic Tritan color blind test

Click on the small square in the mosaic! It takes less than 1 minute. The test determines tritan type of color blindness.The test is flickering. Do not use, if you are sensitive! Click on the picture!

D15 color blind test

Arrange the colors in the correct order, starting the reference color. This is the online version of the D-15 test, which was introduced by Farnsworth in 1947. On mobile, the test is not optimal. Use on PC or tablet. Click on the picture!

One Color Photo Lite

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