Twitter Dark Mode

With Night mode enabled, the background turns from white to black and text turns from black to white. But the colors of images and other art elements aren't inverted. If you're catching up on. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

  1. Night Mode Twitter color palette created by boredperson that consists #ffffff,#c51f5d,#243447,#141d26,#141d26 colors.
  2. This is not about a 'force dark mode' or 'invert mode' or whatever it's referred to, this is about websites such as twitter that make their own dark theme and serve that up when they see the users browser is set to dark theme.
Twitter dark mode color code Not the familiar dark blue.

The feeling of opening Twitter and noticing that something’s off probably isn’t a new one, but it usually isn’t related to the site’s color scheme. Yet some users (and Verge staff) are now seeing that Twitter’s desktop dark mode has gotten darker, or worse, been changed to light mode.

Twitter tells The Verge that the change from blue to black was intentional — it’s part of an update to make the Twitter website respond to the light and dark modes on your OS. Of course, if you miss the dark blue, you can bring it back by going to Twitter’s display settings and choosing Dim mode (instead of the inky black Lights Out or the bright Default), and the site should remember that preference.

Twitter Dark Mode

If your Twitter switched from dark mode to light, though, the company says that wasn’t supposed to happen. That was caused by a bug, and could’ve happened to you if you had Twitter set to Dim or Lights Out mode but had your OS in light mode. Head to your display settings to change that back, if you want.

Twitter Dark Mode Ios

Twitter should remember your color and background settings after you choose one.

Twitter Dark Mode Banner

While you’re there, you can also choose an accent color, if you’re tired of blue.